Detail-oriented Amazon performance reporting

Using analytical tools, bespoke technology and expert knowledge, we create tailored reports to provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date reporting on marketing metrics. The bespoke reports are based on your objectives and the targeting metrics you wish to monitor and are unique to each market, enabling us to adapt strategies based on regional insights and market comparisons.

A computer screen displaying various graphs and report data. This data is an example of Amazon PPC ad reports.
four colleagues gathered around a desk, working on a laptop while talking and laughing with eachother

Why choose Melody?

Category beating RoAS
Part of Amazon’s Solution Provider Network
Tailored strategies
AI technology
Continuous optimisation
Dedicated Account Management
Proactive Management
Amazon performance reporting

The main types of Amazon Reporting

We provide several different types of detailed reports in order to further your business strategy.

1: Targeting Reports

Available for both Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands, our detailed targeting and performance reports analyse the performance data over a given period for ASINs, keywords and categories. Enabling time-optimal bid adjustment and keyword expansion, they also identify high- and low-level performance targets.

2: Placement Reports

Our Placement Report provides visibility and analysis of your campaign placement performance. Insights into successful product placement will identify where and when bid adjustments are necessary to drive increased monetisation. The reports are available for both Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands.

3: Search Terms Report

This report reveals all of the search terms consumers enter into Amazon before they click on your ads. Taking into account both new and negative keywords, the report identifies the
customer keyword conversion rate and gives us a clearer understanding of the performance of different match types.

Why make Melody your Amazon PPC agency?


We document all KPIs and the processes we go through to attain them, ensuring complete transparency in all of our Amazon performance reporting.


Our reputation as one of the industry’s leading Amazon advertising agencies comes from our expertise in using the latest insights to deliver the very best service and strategies for our clients.


Our in-depth understanding of the importance of data in the success of digital advertising campaigns has helped us to develop our own proprietary platform. Combining artificial intelligence with machine learning power enables us to deliver data-driven insights into your Amazon advertising strategy.


To drive RoAS and decrease ACoS, we use a one-of-a-kind approach that combines a suite of software with one of the world’s most respected AI software applications. The result is a highly customised strategy that drives results based on your individual goals.


The team at Melody Agency includes some of the industry’s best digital marketers who use their experience, expertise and passion to deliver performance-driven campaigns. But to ensure you have a consistent point of contact, you’ll always have access to your very own dedicated performance manager.


With excellent client retention and recommendation rates, we’ve built a reputation for outstanding client service. It’s why, together with our sister agency SMP, we’re a trusted partner for some of the world’s biggest brands.

Our full range of Amazon services

Get in touch

We’d love to show you how we can help your brand win on Amazon. To find out more, complete your details and we’ll be in touch.

    Melody Agency,
    Runway East Bloomsbury,
    24-28 Bloomsbury Way,
    WC1A 2SN
    United Kingdom


    +44 (0)203 923 4750
