When buying online, shoppers value trust above everything else. With so many sellers on Amazon, of all different scales and sizes, shoppers need to feel that your brand is trustworthy. They need to know that once they have placed an order, they will receive their items in good condition by the delivery time stated. So, why not engage customers with a more compelling brand story with an Amazon brand video?

A sponsored brand video is a new feature released by Amazon to add further value to your brand page. They’re an opportunity for you to showcase the best of your product/s and help shoppers get a clear understanding of who you are as a brand.

Woman watching a video on a laptop

Create an Amazon Brand Video

Including an Amazon in-stream video as part of your product listings is a great way to give shoppers a 360-degree view of your product. It’s also an easy way to highlight the main features and key benefits that will reassure your audience that they’ve found the product they were looking for, turning a search into a sale.

Our team of Amazon advertising experts can create a high-quality Amazon brand video to bring your product to life. They can work with existing brand assets or can create a video from scratch, designing powerful Amazon-optimised graphics to enhance and promote product features. And they know how to write killer copy too, using keywords to optimise product descriptions and brand narrative to help improve your Amazon rankings.

We’ll work closely with you to ensure our Amazon video solutions are tailored to your exact needs. So, if you’re planning your next project, please get in touch to discover how our specialist Amazon team can help.

View our full portfolio of case studies to see how we have helped businesses like yours succeed.

Get In Touch

We’d love to show you how we can help your brand win on Amazon. To find out more, complete your details and we’ll be in touch.

    Melody Agency,
    Runway East Bloomsbury,
    24-28 Bloomsbury Way,
    WC1A 2SN
    United Kingdom


    +44 (0)203 923 4750
