Amazon Cyber Monday 2020: a summary

This year, Amazon’s Cyber Monday was on the 30th November 2020. For brands and manufacturers selling on the platform, it’s useful to have a gauge on the opportunities the platform offers, as well as key things to keep in mind when considering either selling on the platform or getting listings up for your products during peak periods.

To give some context to the event, did you know that both Black Friday and Cyber Monday are American imports? The former has gained the most attention and traction since it arrived in the UK, but Cyber Monday is now catching up. It is estimated that Cyber Monday can bring in as much as £3 billion in revenue from the UK and that’s without the collective impact it has around the world.

Around half of the UK participated in Cyber Monday trading in 2019 with the average person spending £129. In reality, Cyber Monday is seen as an extension of the Black Friday weekend. Cyber Monday tends to be popular with those purchasing smaller items and anyone wishing to bag tech deals. Research conducted for the Black Friday / Cyber Monday weekend shows that technology was the most popular category for people considering spending, with a figure of 32%. Cyber Monday is not just a day event but the start of at least a week of shopping, which then crosses into the Christmas period so it’s hugely important for those companies looking at how to increase sales on Amazon.

It’s worth thinking about potential opportunities to maximise sales during future key retail peak periods. Enlisting the services of an Amazon marketing agency, like Melody can really help make the most of this make-or-break period of the year.

Here, we’ve considered some things that make selling on Amazon a success.

Being lucky enough to have your product as an Amazon choice product can significantly boost your sales. There is no easy way to get this status, but it is known that a combination of factors which include good previous reviews, fast delivery and affordability can all help. This complements a further piece of research well, which looked at the most important purchasing decisions for UK consumers. Speed of delivery was at the top of the list for 57% of shoppers, followed by product discounts at 51% and positive reviews at 43%.

Having the best content also goes a long way to ensuring success. Product pages need to be descriptive and accurate, as well as engaging to the audience. It is not only content but visuals too. Having old, poor resolution or outdated images can hinder your campaign and give your rivals an edge. Many people can struggle with this, so using a top Amazon agency can give you some valuable guidance. Having appealing content can ensure you catch as much of the audience market as possible; critically important when you consider that 66% of all consumers start their search for a new product on Amazon.

Ensure your account is monitored and tweaked daily if necessary, to iron out errors or problems. Did you know that nearly 75% of Amazon sellers make up to half of their annual sales with some combination of Black Friday / Cyber Monday? A trader really cannot afford any downtime or outages during this period, as borne out by that staggering statistic.

Remember also the medium and long term. If you don’t get it quite right initially, then learn what works and take that forward with you. A test and learn approach based on effective use of data from sales during previous peak periods can really help and using a company who specialises in the best Amazon PPC management strategies can also help refine this further still.

Melody is a top Amazon advertising agency, an appointed Amazon Solution Provider Network agency and a member of the independent agency group – SMP. We generated a combined 28x ROAS across Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2019 and 18.2x ROAS during Christmas last year. Contact our team of Amazon consulting and advertising experts if you’d like any advice on optimising your campaigns on Amazon.

View our case studies here.

This article was written by Matthew Howes, Ecommerce Director at Melody.

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+44 (0)203 923 4750

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