Benefits of enrolling in Amazon’s Brand Registry

What is Amazon Brand Registry?

Amazon Brand Registry is a programme that protects brands and their intellectual property on Amazon. By signing up to the Brand Registry, you are able to contact Amazon and report any copyright, policy or listing issues affecting your brand. It helps to protect your brand’s reputation and ensure no counterfeit products are sold associated with your brand name.

As well as extra protection, Amazon Brand Registry gives you access to advanced marketing methods which can help enhance the customer experience – everything from A+ content to fully customisable Amazon Storefronts.

Who can enrol in Amazon Brand Registry?

Rules and regulations differ by country, but in the UK you must have the following:

  1. An active, registered trademark in the country that appears on your product or packaging
  2. The trademark registration number provided by the Intellectual Property office. Please note that we do not accept application numbers
  3. A list of product categories (e.g. clothing, sporting goods, electronics) in which your brand should be listed
  4. An Amazon account (either Seller Central or Vendor Central)

After you submit this information, Amazon will verify that you are the Rights Owner of the trademark and look for a contact that meets their requirements. This person will receive a verification code. You will need to send this code back to Amazon to complete the enrolment process.

If you sell on Amazon in multiple countries, you will have to apply separately to each Amazon arm.

What are the benefits of enrolling in Amazon’s Brand Registry?


As a registered brand in the Brand Registry, your products are seen as authentic, and your content and information is seen as original. Once you’re registered, third parties won’t be able to alter information or fraudulently use your trademarks/logos or brand name. It makes it easier for you to have any trademark or brand infringements removed.

To make life easier, being part of the Brand Registry gives you access to advanced reporting and search tools that help you quickly identify any infringements and highlight them to Amazon for removal, protecting your brand. 95% of all cases are resolved in as little as 8 hours.

Increase sales

The ability to remove ads from counterfeit sellers pretending to be your brand should see your sales increase. You will be the only seller able to list your products legitimately, so with less competition, you should see an increased conversion rate over time – which makes it worthwhile registering for free.

Sponsored Brands

With access to Sponsored Brands, Brand Registry users are given an additional advertising method. It enables you to promote three products and appear above the product listings with a brand profile including your logo and brand name. You will also have your ad campaigns approved in less than 24 hours, much faster than advertisers who are not part of the registry.

For more information on Amazon Brand Registry and the benefits of advertising on Amazon, contact our team.

This article was written by Matthew Howes, Ecommerce Director at Melody

Melody Agency, Runway East Bloomsbury, 24-28 Bloomsbury Way, London, WC1A 2SN, United Kingdom
+44 (0)203 923 4750

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