Benefits of Outsourcing your Amazon Account Management

The secret to success and sales on Amazon is a fully optimised, persuasive product listing that entices the user to buy. Time and resources go into creating solid product listings; it isn’t enough to merely list your products with an image and its default product description and hope the sales roll in. Amazon is competitive and forever changing; if you aren’t on top of your Amazon account management you will fall behind your competition.

How do you find the time to run a successful business and keep all the plates spinning when Amazon isn’t your expertise? Whilst Amazon is the ideal climate to get your business in front of a huge customer base, the work that goes into success on the platform is often more work than SME businesses have the resources to handle.

Here are the benefits of outsourcing your Amazon account management to the experts.

Focus on business growth

Assigning an account manager to your product listings is a worthwhile investment which takes the pressure off and gives you more time to focus on your business growth as a whole. There are many day-to-day management tasks that can eat away at your time and leave you with little time left for other projects. We have had many clients express to us that keeping on top of their listings can be difficult and outsourcing to Melody has been a huge relief, giving them much more time to focus on other things in the business at an affordable price.

Unmatched expertise

When hiring an Amazon marketing agency, you have a team of experts behind you at a much more affordable price than hiring an in-house consultant. You save on costs associated with hiring someone in-house and get access to a full team of media, SEO, copywriting, design and strategy experts that are consistently and constantly working on improving all things Amazon for our brand clients.

Unlike many ecommerce agencies, where you may be passed around different account managers dealing with different elements of your account, when working with Melody you will have dedicated account management support, and someone you can trust who will be on hand to help with queries and technical issues. Specialist agencies have a depth of Amazon expertise that has been honed by keeping up with the forever changing Amazon requirements and implementing these for client accounts.

Insight & Strategy

Amazon campaign managers have a level of expertise that means they can achieve things with your campaigns that you wouldn’t be able to alone. They’ll work with you to create a personalised business strategy to ensure you meet your business goals, highlighting potential areas of improvement. Their role is to:

  • analyse your fulfilment procedures to ensure you’re abiding by Amazon’s guidelines
  • monitor and preserve your account health
  • achieve high conversion rates
  • ensure your product listings are fully optimised for SEO and PPC success


If you’re just getting started on Amazon, an account manager’s expertise can prove invaluable. They’ll help ensure everything’s set up correctly from the very beginning, avoiding possible delays. They’ll work alongside you to create enticing product listings that will drive maximum clicks and sales. And they’ll help you optimise your listings for SEO and PPC by performing in depth keyword research to target the right keywords for your business goals.

Increase listing visibility & sales

SEO is an essential skill any Amazon consultant will be able to utilise to optimise your listings. Optimising for SEO will mean that your listings will show up for more searches and ultimately lead to more sales. Your Amazon account manager will perform keyword research to find the best keywords to optimise your listings for, and work them into your copy so it reads naturally but also helps your rankings. The better optimised your listings, the easier it will be for new customers to find your products when they are in the market for what you are selling.

Quality descriptions

A picture only speaks a few words if your product description is poor. Buyers are looking for in-depth product details to reassure them that this is the product for them and it meets their needs. Unlike in a physical store where they could touch, feel and read the label of your product – you have to try and give them the same experience via your product listings. Writing dozens, or even thousands, of product descriptions can be a daunting task that many business owners don’t have the time for. It is due to this that products can sometimes have no descriptions at all, or very low-quality descriptions that don’t answer customer questions. By outsourcing your Amazon account management services, an expert can:

  • Write compelling Amazon product marketing copy to increase sales
  • Compare your descriptions with the leading competitors and make yours better
  • Ensure all images uploaded are of high quality and fit for purpose
  • Gain customer trust by providing transparent, clear product information upfront

Ongoing Support

Unlike other agencies who set up your campaigns and then leave everything to you, Amazon account management provides you with ongoing strategic support – everything from providing recommendations to help grow your conversion rates and get more out of your advertising campaigns, and suggestions for engaging A+ content.


Let’s face it, from time-to-time things can go wrong. If you leave problems unresolved on your account, it can cause your product listings and advertising campaigns to be removed from the Amazon search. By working with a strategic account manager on Amazon, they’ll instantly be notified of these issues and will have the knowledge and expertise to quickly get things resolved. They’ll also be on hand to deal with any negative reviews, resolving issues and complaints swiftly.

If you aren’t seeing the performance you had hoped for on Amazon, you should look at your figures to see if outsourcing to a specialist Amazon agency makes sense for your business. Melody helps brands win on Amazon – from campaign conception to delivery and analytics.

Melody Agency, Runway East Bloomsbury, 24-28 Bloomsbury Way, London, WC1A 2SN, United Kingdom
+44 (0)203 923 4750

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