How Amazon Advertising Can Boost Holiday Sales

Whether you have had success with Amazon advertising campaigns in the past or are looking for a new way to boost sales this holiday season, Amazon should be a main investment if you want to see your products flying off the shelves.

Amazon ads can help showcase your brand to a whole new audience, so you quickly become their new favourite brand. But with so many deals across the platform, competition is tough – and never more so than in the run up to the holidays. Highlighting your brand identity, who you are and what you stand for can be a selling point and can appeal to certain customers. However, some people are just out for the best deals to finish off their Christmas shopping. Amazon advertising can help you boost sales from both, and here’s how.


If you are already selling products on Amazon, having an always-on approach to Amazon advertising is the best strategy. We wouldn’t recommend experimenting during peak holiday season as it can cost you sales to your competitors as your ads won’t be fully optimised to their maximum potential. Throughout the year, you should have scaled down running campaigns to maintain your momentum and ranking positions, as well as obtaining valuable insights into keywords reports and competitors. Then, once holiday season approaches, you can enhance your campaigns and increase bids on the keywords that generate the most sales.

Ad Solutions

One of the many benefits of advertising on Amazon is the variety of ad solutions available to advertisers. It is best practice to research and test all relevant advertising options prior to the holiday season to determine which solution will work hardest for your business objectives. Depending on your deliverables, some options will be more suited than others.

One of Amazon’s most used advertising types is sponsored product ads, which appear prominently on the homepage and search results pages throughout the buying journey. Sponsored brand ads are also a popular advertising method for businesses who want to prioritise brand awareness on Amazon. A large banner ad appears on selected high traffic keyword search results pages and pushes organic listings below the fold to showcase the brand. This is effective at helping customers relate your brand to the product they were looking for.

Strategic Bidding

Strategic bidding is the key to success on competitive days such as Black Friday, Cyber Monday and the lead up to Christmas. To win more impressions, clicks and sales on the most competitive days of the year, you will need to bid as high as possible to secure an advantage over your competitors. Alternatively, Amazon produced a dynamic bidding feature where they will increase your keyword bid when it is more likely to lead to a sale (according to their data).

If you want to start 2022 off with a sales boost, get in touch. A leading Amazon agency, the team here at Melody can offer you an insight into how we can help improve your existing Amazon advertising campaigns.

Melody Agency, Runway East Bloomsbury, 24-28 Bloomsbury Way, London, WC1A 2SN, United Kingdom
+44 (0)203 923 4750

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