How Can An Amazon Ad Agency Help Your Campaigns?

A successful Amazon advertising campaign can transform the platform into an extremely valuable source of income for any business. As Amazon continues to grow in popularity, more and more shoppers are using the platform as their go-to for both impulsive and urgent purchases, partly due to the fast delivery options that come with Amazon Prime membership.

With popularity comes opportunity. Amazon has made advertising on their platform more accessible than ever for brands. Campaigns can be set up quickly and easily in just a few simple steps. But without a sound understanding of how the platform works and how customers navigate and shop, it’s still possible to make mistakes.

So, the best way to ensure your campaigns are running smoothly is to work with the experts and hand control over to an Amazon ad agency. Here are just a few of the ways an agency specialising in Amazon advertising can help your campaigns succeed.

Increased visibility

By paying for a sponsored product listing, you’re increasing your product’s visibility for terms you’d love to rank well for organically. At the moment, you may be struggling to compete with your competitors for a top spot in the rankings. But by paying for sponsored listings, you will appear above them in the search rankings. It ensures that your product is seen first and by a potentially larger audience, as fewer people scroll beyond the first page of listings.

Increased sales

It’s little surprise that increased sales and increased visibility go hand in hand. By getting your products on the first page and in front of more people, you’ll gain sales that you otherwise would have missed due to a poor ranking position. If your products and customer service are good, you’ll build a strong base of repeat customers as new shoppers see you as a trusted brand they’ve purchased from before.

More reviews

By advertising on Amazon and increasing your sales, you are likely to start gaining more reviews from new customers too. The reviews will help you rank better organically within the Amazon search results and will also make you appear more trustworthy to potential buyers. If you are new to advertising on Amazon, you’re likely to have fewer reviews. But don’t worry, they will build over time and Amazon PPC is a great way to build brand awareness and brand trust.

Keyword research

Using advertising to open up your product listings to a wider audience can also help you organically. The increase in clicks and impressions will give you a larger list of keywords that customers are using to find you with. Adopting these keywords in your product listings will help you rank better organically.


Specialist Amazon agencies really know what they’re doing, and it’s this in-depth knowledge and platform expertise that should encourage you to outsource your Amazon marketing efforts. Simply put, they know what works and what doesn’t, using the tricks of the trade to keep your competitors at bay. But you still have a critical role to play. A good Amazon agency should team your business knowledge with their expertise to create a well-structured strategy that will help you exceed your business goals.


If you’re short on time and can’t give your Amazon PPC campaign your undivided attention, you’re putting its success at risk. Trying to juggle too many parts of your business can mean that nothing gets the attention it needs. By outsourcing to an Amazon PPC agency, you can focus on other areas of your while business specialist teams successfully run your campaigns.


All successful strategies are based on solid business goals. For example, are you looking for a boost in sales, more brand awareness or repeat customers? Your specialist team will help you identify your main goals and create a strategy that is measurable, realistic and attainable for your budget. They will also be able to use their knowledge of the Amazon platform to advise which of the many advertising options available, including sponsored products and brand stores, will be the best fit for you.

Throughout the set-up, launch and running of your campaigns, your Amazon agency will be able to monitor your performance and highlight where you are performing well and where the strategy may need adapting based on real statistics.

Competitor analysis

The language you use within your ads needs to clearly describe your product and its benefits whilst also promoting it. Using their expertise, your team of Amazon specialists will be able to produce effective product listing ads that fit your criteria.


Amazon have strict brand guidelines that you must comply with to continue advertising on the platform. These rules are put in place to ensure that the products and content published by advertisers are regulated. If you do not follow the guidelines and a complaint is filed against you, your account will be suspended, and you will lose income until the issue is fully resolved.

It’s one of the many reasons why partnering with an Amazon agency makes such good sense. Your dedicated team of Amazon specialists will ensure your campaigns meet all guidelines and will proactively respond to any questions or complaints about your account, so the matter can be sorted quickly and efficiently. Your account manager will also keep up to date with any changes in guidelines, so you don’t have to.


At the end of the day, it’s the results that matter. An experienced Amazon marketing agency can create results-driven strategies based on what they know works and what the metrics of your campaign reflect. Your account manager will regularly monitor your campaigns, optimising your Amazon sponsored ads and making changes as and where necessary to keep them performing at their best. A clear strategy based on your industry and how your individual ads perform is far more effective than an unmanaged campaign.

Free performance audit

If you’re already on Amazon but not doing as well as you’d hoped, it can be hard to identify which areas could be improved, especially if you set up the advertising campaign by yourself.

Amazon’s functions and features can be confusing. And if you don’t have in-depth knowledge of the platform, sometimes fixing one thing can ‘break’ another.

So, we offer a FREE content audit looking at your product listings and those of your competitors in a full market analysis. We make recommendations of how to enhance listings with the most relevant and competitive material available in your category and highlight areas that need improvement or that are currently jeopardising the success of your campaign.

As part of the process, we review your keyword strategy and suggest how we could adjust your content to make it fully SEO-optimised. And we’d highlight how we could enhance the visuals in your product listings, including optimising photos, to boost conversion.

We also work with you to review your business objectives, KPIs, and monthly advertising spend as part of an Amazon advertising audit. It’s designed to make sure you’re using your budget in the most effective way to generate the most revenue. One of our experienced account managers will look for problem areas such as inadequate setup, low volume keyword targeting, or problems with your product listings – all of which may be preventing customers from engaging with your products. Or you could be mistakenly prioritising some products or choosing the wrong audience to target. An audit will help you make sense of the data and identify any weaknesses in your campaigns so you can make the right adjustments to maximise ROI.

Let’s design a successful campaign

Having extensive knowledge of Amazon advertising makes optimising your amazon PPC ads so much easier. More and more brands are turning to an Amazon ad agency to help them design a successful Amazon advertising campaign. It’s less hassle and delivers results faster than going it alone. So, if you’re looking for specialist Amazon consulting, the Melody team, will be pleased to help. Get in touch and we’ll work with you to best understand how we can increase your sales and conversions by running an optimised Paid Advertising campaign

Melody Agency, Runway East Bloomsbury, 24-28 Bloomsbury Way, London, WC1A 2SN, United Kingdom
+44 (0)203 923 4750

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