How to get the most out of your Amazon Store

Have you built a brand store on Amazon to effectively showcase your brand and products on Amazon as part of your Amazon advertising strategy? If you’re already advertising on Amazon or looking to take your advertising to the next stage on the platform then it’s worth considering the value an Amazon Store will add to your broader brand image as well as driving product sales.

Effective Amazon Stores that drive sales and enhance customer experience take time to create. The imagery and copy used needs to appeal to customers at all stages of the buying cycle and needs to accurately represent your brand, what you stand for, and how your products can enhance the customer’s life.

Amazon Stores are a new feature that will enable you to showcase the creative side of your business and build your brand’s presence online; with so many active searchers on Amazon daily, you have a whole new audience to sell to that may be quite different to your target audience elsewhere.
Keep reading for our top tips on how to get the most out of your Amazon Store…

Help customers find what they’re looking for

When customers land on your Amazon Store they don’t know what they’re going to find and if you sell the products that they are looking for. Simplify your brand store image and the Amazon UK buying cycle for users by designing your storefront with searcher intent in mind.

If you sell hundreds of products, a user isn’t going to want to have to scroll through pages of irrelevant products to find what they want.

Use the design features available to Amazon stores and sort your products by type/category so that once a potential customer lands on your page they can quickly navigate to what is relevant for them. For a pillow company, this could mean showcasing your products by memory foam or anti-allergy.

Showcase your brand

Amazon Stores are much more than another avenue for sales. They are a creative way to tell your brand story and answer any questions that potential customers may have about your brand. Use your Amazon storefront to connect on a deeper level with your customers and give them a behind-the-scenes insight into why you started your brand, what your brand story is, and why they should buy from you and not your competitors.

Optimise your Product Descriptions

Customers spend only a few seconds reading your product description. So, make sure your descriptions work hard to attract attention, as they can be the difference between converting or not converting a sale.

Provide clear, useful information that reassures a customer and gives them the confidence to purchase your product. An effective product description tells a customer why they need your product, answers any questions they may have and is also fully optimised with SEO keywords to help boost your organic rankings.

Utilise High-Quality Imagery

Your images are the first thing to catch a customers’ attention in the product listing pages. So, it is critical that they are fit for purpose. Poor quality images can suggest your product is poorly made or is not worth the money. Products that only include one or two images on their listing page also suggest poor quality products, or a brand that is not on par with competitor products.

Optimise with brand analytics data

To enhance the potential of your Amazon store you can use performance data from Amazon’s own performance monitoring tool, Brand Analytics. This free comprehensive tool gives storefront brands an exclusive insight into the top keywords that drive customers to their page and top search terms they appear in the search results for. This information can help you optimise your Amazon stores for SEO and improve ad copy

Q&A content

The Q&A section is commonly underused by brands as they focus on gaining reviews and improving product copy. However, using the Q&A section to answer customer questions shows you are committed to customer service and are happy to explain more about your products. A brand page having many unanswered questions can appear as though the brand in intentionally being evasive about their products and can come across as untrustworthy.

If your brand needs help standing out on Amazon, get in touch with our Amazon advertising team to discuss how we can help.

This article was written by Matthew Howes, Ecommerce Director at Melody, an Amazon agency in London.

Image courtesy of Danielle Macinnes @ 

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+44 (0)203 923 4750

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