How To Reach Your Target Audience on Amazon

If your brand is on Amazon, the secret to selling successfully is to know who your target audience is. The more you know and understand your audience, the more effective your product listing and advertising will be. Untargeted listings risk wasting time and money, missing out on the opportunity to drive sales.

You know your product better than anyone. So, use that knowledge to help you create a target audience profile with answers to the following questions:

What problem can my product solve?

Who experiences this problem?

Are there multiple audiences?

Once you know the answer to these questions, you can begin to define Unique Selling Points (USPs) that will help your product stand out from the competition. You can create engaging language that speaks directly to your audience, answering any questions you think they might have. It will also help you in designing your product listing pages to make them more appealing to your audience, by including photos, illustrations or graphics that show how your product addresses a specific pain point or fulfils a need.

When you know who you’re trying to sell to, you can delve deeper into your research by looking at the types of keywords shoppers use to find products like yours. Use these keywords to optimise your product listing pages, so it’s quicker and easier for your target audience to find your product.

Even after all this, it’s worth noting that the pricing of your product will ultimately be the deciding factor for many customers on whether to shop with you. With your target audience in mind, you must decide whether they are looking for the best possible deal or if they are willing to spend a little more to get a quality, premium product. Compare your pricing to competitors and see where your price falls, because under or overvaluing your products can be costly. And once you’ve decided, make sure your listing, images and copy reflect your price point. So for example, if your product is at the premium end of the market, make sure it looks premium in the product images and describe the quality in your copy.

For more advice on Amazon sponsored ads, keep up to date with our blog.

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