Proven Ways of Increasing Sales on Amazon

Are you new to selling on Amazon and looking for advice on how to make the most of your product listings from the get-go? Or have your Amazon sales stagnated and you’re looking for simple ways to boost performance? We can help!

Amazon has a highly sophisticated algorithm that determines which product listings appear for each search query. Shoppers on Amazon are ready to buy, it’s the job of Amazon’s A10 algorithm to deliver them the right products. To do this, Amazon looks at:

  • Keywords
  • Impressions
  • Organic & PPC sales
  • CTR
  • Conversion rate
  • Price
  • Reviews
  • Product imagery

To give your listings the best possible chance, let’s look at some proven ways that you can increase your brand’s sales on Amazon.

Keyword Research

For your product listings to rank well in the search results, they must contain keywords – the words consumers use to search for products like yours on Amazon. Amazon have their very own Keyword Tool to help you research and select the right keywords for your listings. Make sure you use it to optimise your product title, descriptions and imagery with the keywords as it will help to increase your visibility and sales.

Optimise Product Listings

Unlike when browsing products instore where a customer can read the packaging, pick the item up and inspect it for themselves, selling on Amazon requires a different approach. Your product listings should be fully optimised with all the information a customer could ever need about your product displayed and explained clearly. Product details needs to be highlighted, USPs should be given priority and key competitor differentiators pulled out. The more informed a shoppers is, the less likely they are to click back to a competitor’s listing.

Ensure your product listings are optimised with product characteristics, benefits, keywords and high-quality imagery. Don’t hold back on the detail, customers will need to know everything from brand and material to product colour and dimensions to determine whether it is the right product for them.

Gain product reviews

Nothing helps build trust in your brand more than honest, authentic reviews from real customers. Being able to read the experiences of people who have also bought your product and are happy with their purchase can be the deciding factor that sways a user to buy.

You can encourage customer reviews by:

  • Contacting the customer using the buyer-seller messaging service
  • Using third-party feedback tools to email customers directly asking for feedback
  • Posting on your social media channels asking for your followers to share their experiences

Invest in Amazon Advertising

A quick and easy way to boost sales on Amazon is to invest in Amazon advertising. Sponsored product ads help put your product listings directly in front of shoppers who are ready to buy, including directly on a competitors product page! If you’re just launching a new product or are new to the Amazon platform, you won’t have customer reviews or past sales to inspire other shoppers to buy your product. Amazon advertising can help drive traffic to your products and convert sales whilst you work on building organic rankings.

Sync Your Inventory

If you sell your products across multiple platforms, including Amazon, syncing your inventory can make selling as a whole much easier. Rather than logging on to make changes to multiple systems, you will be able to change them all in one place, which will be a big time saver. You can also keep the tone of your products consistent across all platforms which will help you maintain your brand persona. If you notice that you seem to gain more views and sales on one particular platform, compare your titles and descriptions. Make sure you are prioritising your Amazon listings and giving them the best (or at least equal) chances of converting.

Improve Imagery

The first thing a potential customer sees, even before your title, is your product image. High-quality, clear photos that are visually appealing and make it clear what the product is are what you should be aiming for. You don’t need a professional set-up to take appealing photos, just a neutral backdrop and some good natural lighting. If you are selling homeware, for example a lamp, it’s a good idea to take a photo of it in a home setting, so customers can see how it may look in their home.

Need some help improving your Amazon product listings? Melody is an Amazon agency, who provide data-driven strategies and transparent reporting to help you succeed on Amazon. Get in touch now.

Melody Agency, Runway East Bloomsbury, 24-28 Bloomsbury Way, London, WC1A 2SN, United Kingdom
+44 (0)203 923 4750

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