What does 2022 mean for Amazon Advertising?

With 2022 now in full flow, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the past 12 months and how your Amazon advertising campaigns have performed. Setting new business goals in the early part of a new year is important to get the most out of your advertising budget and reach the most customers. By reviewing your past campaign performance, you can identify any mistakes and areas of wasted budget that you want to prevent reoccurring.

Since first setting up your campaigns, it is highly likely that Amazon has added new features and functionalities. With competition for placements greater than ever before, it’s imperative that advertisers use every tool and service available to them to maintain placements or overtake competitors.

For example, back in August 2021, Amazon introduced the ability for advertisers to create custom creative in certain campaign types. Making use of Amazon advertising services such as this will help you stand out from your competitors, helping you highlight key benefits/USPs of your products in a more creative way. Customising images is a great way to improve your CTR, attracting customers who may otherwise may have continued scrolling. So, make sure you brief your design team to create assets for different stages of the sales funnel.

Dayparting should also form part of your strategy for this year. It can help conserve advertising budget for peak times of the day by allowing you to set the time of day that your advertising campaigns run. This can prevent wasted spend as well as help you target customers when they are actively shopping. For this to be effective, you’ll need to analyse which days and times of day lead to the most clicks and sales.

The key to success on Amazon this year is monitoring and optimising your campaign with your metrics in mind. Brand metrics give you an exclusive insight into shopper engagement, which you can then incorporate into your strategy to maximise success. You can view brand metrics at a category level including main KPIs such as:

  • Customer conversion rate
  • Engaged shopper rate
  • Total brand shoppers
  • % Sales new to the brand

For more advice on how to revamp your Amazon advertising campaigns, contact our experts now.

Melody Agency, Runway East Bloomsbury, 24-28 Bloomsbury Way, London, WC1A 2SN, United Kingdom
+44 (0)203 923 4750

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