What Services Does a Specialist Amazon Agency Offer?

With over a quarter of the adult population in the UK now signed up to Amazon Prime, it is no surprise that Amazon has become the platform of choice for many businesses to sell their products. But with popularity comes competitiveness. So, to ensure your brand stands out and generates the sales you need to get the best ROI for your budget, you need to work with an full service Amazon agency.

An Amazon agency such as Melody has a variety of different Amazon services suited for different business goals and budgets. So, whether you’re looking for a purely organic strategy, or a combination of organic and paid Amazon advertising, Melody can create a strategy that meets all your requirements. Here are just some of the services we provide:

Account management

Amazon account management services can include setting up your account, ensuring you are meeting Amazon’s guidelines and the set up and management of product listings. Account management is generally part of a paid monthly service that allows an agency to access and manage the media services for your Sponsored Advertising campaigns. Your Amazon agency will manage your account daily, ensuring budget is being spent effectively, and that essential tweaks are made to maintain and improve performance throughout the month.

Amazon Brand Stores

Your Amazon ecommerce agency will create and monitor your Amazon Brand Store so that it reflects your brand and appeals to both new and existing customers. Starting with a content audit of your existing listings, they will then look at creating a compelling user experience based on audience insights (e.g. is the store structure organised by product types or common search queries from customers etc.) and competitive insights.

The digital design team will then create a show-stopping store than highlights your brand, most popular products, new lines and more. Brand store services include the creation of A+ content with high quality copy to bring your brand and products to life, compelling creative designs showcasing your products and video to enhance the user experience. Copy optimisation based on analytics and keyword research will keep your content fresh and attractive to your target audience.

Ecommerce media buying

To support your organic Amazon strategy, our Amazon ad agency will include paid advertising options tailored for you. These paid solutions include Amazon Sponsored Ads, social media advertising and Amazon Display Ads that can help enhance visibility of new and existing product ranges which may struggle to get organic visibility initially.

Amazon Sponsored Products

If you’re looking to drive sales, Amazon Sponsored Products is one of the most effective Amazon marketing services. Sponsored product ads appear on almost every page of a customer’s buying journey – starting on the homepage and continuing throughout their search. As a result, they have a higher conversion rate than other ad types. A basic style of ad, they look very similar to organic search results and so customers often aren’t aware that they’re ads at all.

Amazon Sponsored Brands

Amazon Sponsored Brands (ads) appear immediately at the top of the search results when customers are searching for a specific product. The large banner ad pushes organic search results below the fold to showcase the sponsored brand. It also appears within the search results pages in between products for maximum visibility. Of all the Amazon marketing services, Sponsored Brands help your products stand out and help customers discover your brand and associate it with products they are interested in.

You can include your brand logo, a custom headline (such as a slogan or tagline) and up to three products in your advertisement, so make sure you showcase your best products

Amazon Sponsored Display

With Sponsored Display Ads, you pay for each click. They’re designed to help you reach audiences across the shopper journey, with ad placements both on and off Amazon. Sponsored Display is highly effective for remarketing campaigns as you can showcase your ads to customers who have previously viewed your products or ones similar to yours.

Target audiences for Sponsored Display Ads are created based on customer demographic data and shopping behaviour.

Here are just some of the benefits of Sponsored Display Ads:

  • Drive traffic into your product listings
  • Increase brand awareness in your niche category / sector
  • Increase exposure of new products
  • Drive traffic to new products
  • Advertise on competitor’s product pages

Analytical reporting and analysis

Your regular management service will include real-time analytics and data services, including performance report analysis and detailed but jargon-free reporting on how your product listings are performing. Your account manager will clearly explain how many sales you have made, how much profit has been returned and what the plan is going forward to further your Amazon growth.

An Amazon Agency UK, Melody can create a tailored service package for your business. Contact us to find out how our services work.

Melody Agency, Runway East Bloomsbury, 24-28 Bloomsbury Way, London, WC1A 2SN, United Kingdom
+44 (0)203 923 4750

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