Why Advertise on Amazon?

If you’re new to the platform, starting the process of advertising on Amazon can feel a little daunting. So, where do you start? Is it actually worth the investment? Is it only the big brands that succeed on such a popular platform? In this article we will discuss the pros and cons of Amazon advertising services and whether they should be part of your ecommerce strategy.

What’s great

  • Well-optimised and well-priced product listings appear at the top of the search results which can lead to a huge Amazon ROI
  • Businesses of all sizes can find success with Amazon advertising campaigns – you don’t just have to be one of the big guys
  • Amazon is now the fifth biggest retailer in the UK
  • Amazon holds the lion’s share of UK ecommerce (30%), with its next competitor eBay having just 10% in comparison
  • £4 of every £100 spent in retail during 2019 was on Amazon
  • 86% of shoppers in the UK shop with Amazon
  • 25% of the UK adult population are Amazon Prime members, that equates to 15 million people
  • 54% of all product search is on Amazon, compared to 46% on Google

What to be wary of

  • Small businesses need to ensure they have enough stock to meet demand otherwise Amazon product advertising cannot reach its full potential
  • On average, an Amazon advertising account takes longer to set up than other advertising platforms such as Google or Facebook
  • Advertising on Amazon is less automated than other platforms and requires slightly more manual assistance from the account manager
  • Your product view count can impact product placement

When it comes to launching your own product on Amazon, it may appear straightforward at first glance.

However, there’s much more to it than meets the eye. While many people understand the benefits of starting their own business on Amazon, they often struggle with the process of getting there. One crucial step is developing effective marketing plans that enable you to promote your products to customers.

This is where the expertise of an Amazon marketing agency becomes invaluable. So, what exactly are the benefits that business owners can expect from Amazon consulting?

Staying Up-to-Date with Laws and Regulations

Every day, millions of people visit Amazon’s online marketplace, and more businesses are using Amazon ads to increase their sales and profits. Consequently, the platform has implemented various rules and restrictions. These guidelines aim to ensure fairness and maintain control over Amazon’s features, services, sellers, and customers.

The policies and regulations governing suspensions are constantly subject to change, and failing to comply with them can have serious consequences for your business. By relying on the expertise of an Amazon agency, you can anticipate potential violations and stay informed about any platform-wide policy changes.

Designing Effective Amazon Advertising Campaigns for Your Products

Information about Amazon advertising is widely available online today. However, developing and executing an advertising strategy, let alone an entire campaign, requires significant time, effort. Don’t forget the expertise. With numerous ad types available on Amazon, it’s essential to plan and analyse business data effectively. It’s often difficult to go-it-alone.

At Melody, we create effective campaigns tailored to your sales strategy, ensuring the highest return on your investment.

As time goes on, things continue to evolve. Amazon’s policies encourage sellers and resellers to consistently update their listings, making them more appealing to other brands and increasing brand awareness. With the assistance of an Amazon marketing agency, you can continuously expand your business.

If you’re interested in learning more about Amazon Advertising, feel free to contact us.

Melody Agency, Runway East Bloomsbury, 24-28 Bloomsbury Way, London, WC1A 2SN, United Kingdom
+44 (0)203 923 4750

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