Why are my Amazon PPC Ads not Showing?

You’ve put a lot of time and effort into researching the keywords you want your ads to appear for and have spent hours meticulously planning a campaign complete with precise geo-targeting and amazing ad extension variations. Finally, you’re good to go. Your PPC campaigns are turned on, ready to channel targeted traffic to your business website. There’s just one problem. Your Amazon PPC ads are nowhere to be found for the keywords you’re bidding on!

In the article below, we’ll look at why you could be getting traffic, but no sales, and go over a few techniques to make sure your Amazon advertising efforts appear within the search results.

Why are my Amazon PPC Ads not showing up?

If you find that you’re not generating any impressions from your PPC advertising efforts, there are a few things you can look to address to solve the issue:

  • Verify that every aspect of your listing is fully optimised
  • Broaden your keyword lists to include more detailed and lengthy search queries
  • Consider changing your keyword match type
  • Boost your bids for targeted keywords

It’s probably also worth considering that in such an intensely competitive marketplace, a cheap bid may not provide your campaign with the exposure it needs to get conversions on Amazon.

Why are my Amazon PPC Ads not getting any clicks?

If your advertisements are showing up in the search results but you’re not receiving any hits, your listings are likely to be the cause of the problem. Here are a couple of things to try:

  • Ensure your images are eye-catching and clearly show the product being advertised
  • Adapt your product title to be snappy or more informative
  • Make sure your listing content includes the appropriate keywords
  • Boost your bid to receive more impressions

What to do if your Amazon Ads are getting clicks, but no sales

If your advertisements are bringing traffic to the listing but not converting, you should re-look at the following four factors:

  1. Pricing
  2. The overall quality of your listings
  3. Reviews
  4. Time

Make sure that your pricing is reasonable for your sector. If your products are priced too highly, they could be deterring buyers.

Check the quality of your listing. Make sure it’s optimised to generate sales with fantastic photographs, a meaningful title, appropriate keywords, and relevant text outlining the characteristics, benefits and USPs of the product – we can’t stress this enough.

Reviews also impact the performance of your Amazon PPC advertisements. So, you should consider setting up a strategy to gain more positive reviews.

Once you’ve completed these checks, it’s best to sit back and wait a while. Your ads may not start converting straight away so we suggest you don’t try and make any further campaign modifications – especially if your new PPC campaign is less than seven days old.

For major brands looking to boost sales while providing a first-rate customer experience, Melody’s Amazon Consulting is the go-to outsourcing option. The data-driven experts at Melody will boost your return on investment and enhance all aspects of your Amazon account management.

Melody Agency, Runway East Bloomsbury, 24-28 Bloomsbury Way, London, WC1A 2SN, United Kingdom
+44 (0)203 923 4750

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