We helped The Sewing HQ transform into a profitable outfit on Amazon

From dramatic Liberty prints to luxurious silks from the Far East, The Sewing HQ is an online UK store that sells fabrics for dressmaking, upholstery, and craft projects, as well as quality handpicked haberdashery and sewing patterns.

They’d listed a few key products on Amazon with little success but understood the importance of the platform and the opportunity it afforded. They just needed guidance on how to optimise their listings and manage their account. So, they came to us, an Amazon agency providing specialist ecommerce services, for advice.

We began with an audit that made both strategic and account recommendations. Recognising the value of working with a partner that understood Amazon inside and out, The Sewing HQ appointed us with immediate effect, and together we set out a three-month plan to drive sales, profitability, and cost efficiency.

Sewing HQ Amazon Sponsored Product Listing

We were given a RoAS (Return on Advertising Spend) target of 2.5 or above to ensure maximum profitability. To achieve the target, we implemented a dual strategy approach for our Amazon PPC campaigns. We created awareness campaigns to increase the brand’s presence on Amazon, and sales focused campaigns for top performing products that would build on the sales figures we’d inherited. That way, we’d be able to show an immediate improvement once our campaigns kicked in.

But that was just the start. We looked at everything from account set up to fulfilment and discovered that the client was using Fulfilled by Merchant (FBM) shipping. It meant they were losing out to competitors using the Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA) shipping who could offer much faster delivery times through Amazon Prime.

So, to level the playing field, we recommended that the client enrolled relevant, smaller products in the Amazon FBA Small and Light programme. It offers reduced fulfilment costs on eligible products and uses Amazon FBA to ship the items out to customers. But perhaps more importantly, it awards the items the Amazon Prime badge on the listing which can help to increase sales.

This small change made a dramatic difference, generating an uplift in sales of close to 300%. And all of this in our initial three-month trial period. It was a great result, but by no means the only one:

Three-month trial RoAS target smashed by


Account sales increased MoM – up to


in month three

RoAS up by


in month one alone

ACoS down by


in just one month

Results such as these are extremely positive, and we’re excited for the future. We’ve already helped the client launch a new sewing kit on Amazon; a strategic move that we believe will make the most of the market opportunity. Watch this space to see more dramatic transformations.

Sewing HQ Amazon Storefronts Screenshot

Get In Touch

We’d love to show you how we can help your brand win on Amazon. To find out more, complete your details and we’ll be in touch.

    Aldwych House,
    71-91 Aldwych, London,
    WC2B 4HN
    United Kingdom


    +44 (0)203 923 4750
